in exactly 11 days and 12 nights i will be 27.didnt anticipate it would happen this fast, roller coaster ride, facing so many things going thru just about everything life could offer. My past, present and future all walking together, one stumbling into the next and the next and coming back for a quick check on the last phase aswell. Where i was a kid thinking at 21 i will be married with one kid, and then it was certainly happening to me by 24(this is me thinking back in alevel days) and suddenly now its the furthest from my mind.Not that the idea of getting married doesnt appeal to me..whoaaa its good and inshallah it will happen and neither have i turne into one carrer oriented person whose aim in life is to become a bigger better bitch(no judgements being made here, just coincidental). I want to be me and remain me and enjoy being me, not give in till i find someone who will let me be me. And as one newly married friend very aptly put,"why is anyone else's being and doing something lead you into making any decision?" Yes, it shouldnt and it doesn't, well not entirely atleast.
There are my parents who think that i am at the age where i should be settled(obviosuly me being in their house having a carrer, being myself, earning is hardly qulaified as being setelled)and then there is me who is as the time is passing getting more confused then ever before asto what is it that is going to make me tick. How happy am i with myself?it is very very important for me that i am 234% content in being myself and in believing what i believe. The mind is there telling me that, varifying all thats positive and the soul is making me think the opposite. Am i doing things because i want to do them this way or is this some major disillusion that i am falling for?.My past was glorified because there was a set pattern that i wanted to follow, shit happened and i grew up and learnt a lot, realized that my set pattern was not what would make me tick and 11 days away from being 27 i am still wondering if i even need a pattern or should i just relish in the everyday as it happens lifestyle???