calvin and hobbes
calvin: my parents are two most stupidest people on earth.
just my luck that theyd get married and have me!
i hate everybody!
*hobbes following along silently*
i dont see how anyone could ever fall in love. people are jerks!
hobbes: sometimes they are, but look at the colors on the trees today.
calvin:yeah? so what?
hobbes: i think its more fun to see something like this with someone than just by yourself.
*the two still looking around*
calvin: i guessss so...but i would still rather see this with a tiger than a person.
hobbes:well that goes without saying.
calvin:i think people worry too much about little things
all they do is make themselves unhappy that way
Why get an ulcer over things that don't really matter.?
hobbes: like the book report you're supposed to be writing now on the book you havent read?
calvin: exactly. case in point.