Monday, February 28, 2005

ode to blogging:)

i just realized that i write way too much on other peoples blog..uff its crazy...i have written smething on every possible topic..BUTTTTTT in somone else blog..
well i say its fun!i say its good to know what everyone is thinking...
alos..thanks to jammie for introducing me to blogging...even though nothing beats writing in my own book..(with a pen..its like nothing can replace letter writing)ok im going off on a pata nahi kon sa tangent.
anyway. thanks jammie!:)
Ha-ha too funnyyy.....I love this!! thanks to a blogger I took this mindless quiz. Guess what three questions and that shows that this was the exact number of questions needed to do this quiz!!!
You have a Beautiful personality. You appreciate sophisticated fashions and you're a fan of the BIG labels from Paris. You are elegant and have a carefree mind.

Saturday, February 26, 2005

girls just wanna have fun!!

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

ques que se'

the little teeny weeny french that i know..thanks to insane reading of Barbra Cartland :)
..after having an insanely long night was a JUST superb!!! things have a way of going wrong or just falling on you all at once. sort of like someone sitting witha bucket of all possible things that COULD happen and dump them on you..whooosshh!you are drenched.and you cant dry it off because the dryer installed in the universe has stopped working. you look your worst(although that is not what you intended when you woke up after the power nap this morning), everyone thought you were going to the beach..umm err NO!!!!i was just sort of blind this morning.
the idea of yet another 6/7 hourse straight in front of the pc was not something i fancied today..and then looking at black /darkgray/ medium gray/ light gray and lightesttttt anyone getting dizzy here.
and this still hasnt ended..tried sleeping for an hour but saas bhi kabhie bahoo blared around me..and instead of a quick neend all my REM or RAM(whatever it is that you dream in)recorded was bright colors and lots of loud women screaming.
but i have hope that this will allbe ok..and i will be happy.
someone wrote the song "ankhion say soli maray larki kamal....dhishoom"and it brought back old memories and the fact that it all works long as i belive in happy songs.
hmm now why did i title this ques que se'????anyway..just flauting some ripped off french;)

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

what do you do at 230 am????

i sulk!
its 230 am...ideally, i should be sleeping..but no!!here i am dyinggggggggg to sleep but making a cd with pictures NOT working..back so ruined that i can feel muscles coming out. i cant think.i cant kill for a dark chocolate right now..
its not happening why am i going away..oh god i need to have this done!


...just when you think that you have control over things they slip right out of your hands.
life at times doesnt seem cant hold back things and it becomes impossible to move on...even when you are dying to move on.
making a choice just results is breaking a heart..could be your own.

hahha i sound freaking im just thinking outloud

strange me

why do you try to fit in so much when you know you stand out always...he said

life gives us so many chances to be the way we want to be..yet we are usually in the wrong situation with the wrong people trying to fit...
is it really that difficult to find out who you are??probably not but we just dont look close enough.
so someone once reminded me how i was different but i just dont show that i think of it he maybe right OR not!!its not that i dont show it but it seems like sometimes it gets really strange and you find yourself to be stranger to your self.
well just thought i should voice it...don't really have an answer to this..but i feel the strangeness everyday.

hairdo sisters-sharline

sharline room ..morning after

Monday, February 21, 2005

the hairdo sisters comic strip

the hairdo sisters

this is the story of the hairdo sisters..they are great friends(not really sisters).. salma, kamia and sharline...each with a disticnt personality and style..they love eachother and men and everthing that will strike their fancy..BUT!!!!! they are also women who have pride and love!they will work for money!and work for passion.
read on for a strip with their lives and what happens to them!

my red....

…so it is just like you said it would goes easy on me all of the time [blowers daughter]

Flowers mean so much to me…
Gazillion flowers all around me all the time
So I got my RED sunflower the other day and fell in love with it.
It came with its little water pot.
Pretty and didn’t have any smell.
But I could smell it
Long stemmed, it reminds me of everything that’s beautiful.
Everything that is alive…
Pretty magical red
Its wilting yes..but I shall save it.
Save it for its it for its means so much.

Sunday, February 20, 2005

random rant

The manifestation across the room re imbrues the whole idea behind chronology and satisfaction guaranteed gives you the amount of water required to stuff your brains within. It is crazy phenomenon but it goes on and on and once you get beyond the random rant it freezes its ass. So there really isn’t any point to seduction and interacting of family abuse which eventually leads to self destruction and. waiting for the not so good paraphernalia of existence is a crazy thing again. What have you done... is it me or are you crying really I don’t know what to think what to say but this indeed is the onion of clarification and run-ins everything that was ever done and would be in a situation like this. My mind is a juxtaposition of words and random whining that half the time refuses toy budge and what TV does to me music also does and better but all eyes on me doesn’t make sense it is juts a way to crap the shit out and leave the dust behind and not ever do u want to stay in the same room. While it happens this way or that we have to do something about the fact that this world is super crazy and the words that are uttered everyday are mere cynical optimism notions gone wrong and in the blink of an eye you realize that people are juts people nothing else. They kill they love and for the dump reason of getting married they screw it. You do understand the youth gone wrong and finally of the rigid final vitality of house work leading to your fathers did not get home door and was in the nod left to eat shit and for the god forsaken reason someone left your mask outside and you were out in the open.
[I just read this and GOD it didn’t make sense]
So it can be pulled into the door and shout outside working towards the crazy ideologies of the wonder world the fantasy. What exists outside of us and what is within is probably the reason why I am what I am and why should not I be…there is no other reality and mine is so messed or is it? I often think where this is taking me and what I am doing so I want to know about it with all the evidence that there could be and now or never its like a song a song with flowers a song with words and now it has not only gone ahead to work its way into me but mostly will remember the days when it did not occur at all. The princess that I thought I was I really the friends are non existent and yet there are so many of them. he is always there for me but I know he is not the one…do I want someone who is the one or am I leaving this option open for everyone else to judge but how can they don’t know why I sing this song everyday what happens to be with the breeze and the wind the stars the magic of it all. Do I believe in it or am I juts saying it…I don’t know. Where is this going
What do I say?
What am I doing?
The truth will stay.

p.s:dont judge state of mind from this;)

buttering up

... so i came across someones blog and noticed a flavour test..hmm i turned out to be PEANUT BUTTER!!never thought myself to be that..but well its now highly official..although i dont completely agree with it..
hmm and since this refuses to go up i shall cheat and do a copy pasting job!

I taste like Peanut Butter.I am one of the most blendable flavours; I go with sweet, I go with sour, I go with bland, I go with anything. I am practical and good company, but have something of a tendency to hang around when I'm not wanted, unaware that my presence is not welcome.(If you were not Peanut Butter you would be Alcohol.)

Saturday, February 19, 2005

there are signs everywhere

there are signs
There are signs everywhere. Haven’t we heard that one before…”fools rush in” “dill to pagal hay” he [god] will tell you himself when someone has come for you. I seem to be going through something like this myself but then just stopped to question myself...are there really signs around or we just keep a look out for them even more because we want to see something. It just so happens that when you realize that there is something which you have started to connect yourself with, you just invariably associate everything with it right. It could be a person it could be a thing…just because it is on our mind 24/7,even from under a pan ki dukan that one name will pop out at you and you will think...oh my god it’s a signnnn!!! If you have seen FRI and Serendipity, notice how just because Sarah and Isabelle were on their minds in some way or another they seem to just automatically look out for it. I believe in SIGNS and I follow them and yes I will notice them on a bus, a random song, on someone’s blog…trillion places. And yes even under the pan ki dukan. Perhaps we always know what we want but just need god’s approval and start taking them as signs.

I don’t know, either way signs are magical!

Friday, February 18, 2005


~without you todays emotions would only be dead skin of yesterday~ Amelie

Thursday, February 17, 2005

from every angle i keep coming back

crazy windy powerlove....

and thats how karachi feels right now.there is energy beyond belief, just the whooosssh whhisssh whoooshh of wind makes you want to be outdoors and just be happy. its amazing how a weather change in a city like ours makes us want to change everything. at this moment i can sense myself getting into the magical cosmic like feel of everything thats around me..pulling me to it making me want to be in love...perhaps more so than ever.
sometimes i wish everyday every feeling every touch could be as chaotic and wild and free like the wind i can hear right now...even my cat is getting seduced.
its funny how so much happens in your life[ok im am completely going off the tangent but still:)]and people behave a certain way[directly or not directly related to you] ..even make you die everyday...and more and the suddenly when they return you dont want to kill them, you still feel protective and it seems like its ok...i dont know if everyone does that..but i do..alot.and it makes me angry too on somelevel but i still settly down with a happy thought.

dont know where this is going dont know what it means..i juts know if its worth it it should last!

the bing story

could i BE any crazier?????
could i BE any spontaneous??
could i BE any ridiculous??
could i BE any hoggier than this?
could i BE any smaller????
could i BE any
"i fall in love in everyday "type??
could i BE any dancier?
could i BE any "oh pleaseeeee one book last book plaesae..last page left..let me finsh this then i swear i will come and make tea amma"type???
could i BE any perky???
could i BE any
"i -will- design- whatever- i- feel -like- designing- and- put- orange -with -yellow and- black -polka- what- if- i -teach -basic -design"type???
could i BE any amitabh crazy??
could i BE any singing and dancing crazy???
could i BE any giggly??
could i BE any "please get me chai righttt nowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww" type??
and ofcourseee

could i BE any cornier????
umm no...perhaps perhaps perhaps!!!!

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

is there something black in the lentil soup???

i have been wanting to get back to reading for so long..but it just seemed like a ~not-happening-in -the-near-future-kinda-thing~ well regardless it finally happened for me and nothing feels better than to be able to get into that again.
im very excited about reading somethign black in the lentil soup...

this reminds me why i love my job so much!!!!nothing can ever beat the excitement of being with all these poeple and teaching them and learing from them.

twenty something...

after teaching 18 and 20 something age generally comes under speculation thanks to my exactly 5" height and umm and a face which breaks into a giggle fit very after a longggg day of work, water falling on a students sheet and then helping him out with the redo..i thought i should seriously question goes

You Are 23 Years Old


Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe.

13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world.

20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences.

30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more!

40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax.

Friday, February 11, 2005

play of words!!!

karachi rain dance!!!!!

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

smile!here i come with a poloroid camera!

Ever wanted to put every days detail in pictures...I bet we all i have now decided to invest in a P.O.L.O.R.O.I.D C.A.M.E.R.A!!!How that feel happen I have yet to figure out. Suddenly the sleeping photographer in me has woken up and wants to capture everything, be it hanging out with friends, my students, karachipana/ Karachi walay/apnay log, or anything which wakes me up. POLOROID because I want to experience the feel of that, take a pic and voilaaa!!!How beautiful is your smile, smoking in a corner, hugs...everything comes out in a snap. better yet...take it out and print it on another paper to get that yummy undone feel.

Sunday, February 06, 2005

i wish there was a stranger around

...and then you think if only there was a stranger around who you could really say everything to and not be judged. Have you ever thought that besides the fact that you need people around you all the times that very things stops you from being yourself completely .
So even though at 4 we were taught not to speak to strangers...right now at mid-life i think i would love to have one cross my path.

Saturday, February 05, 2005

old coffer of dreams

~the old dreams were good dreams, they didn’t workout but im glad I had them~
The Bridges of Madison County.

Yes, in the long run you do realize that dreams are like cotton balls. Soft and wispy and they fly off but while you are holding them they are soft, yielding and make you feel like you are walking on air.
Things have changed and my dreams have vanished, but I have also become a certain way because I held them tightly to me at one point. They make the person I have become today, I don’t live in them anymore because they are gone, but their spirit still lingers and makes me want to relive them somewhere else, in a different way but having the same essence.
Sometimes you spend a lifetime or some years thinking that you are a certain way and the way people understand you Is actually how you are supposed to be, but then something happens and you dream, there are some people who tell you that its ok to dream, its ok to think that things are possible, and the soft cotton ball will not fly away in wisps if you actually believe it to be rock hard. It’s a different thing that you realize that cotton balls can never really be rock hard, but the fact that for a while you actually thought that they could be makes you a stronger more beautiful person because you suddenly take a leap into time and start thinking for yourself about yourself for a change. You don’t have to be the way people want you to just be...and you can always be the way you think you should can actually let the wind hit you in the face and instead of knocking you down it embraces you and you feel wonderful.
I owe this to you.thankyou.

dream again now..if the last one didnt workout.